Friday 19 November 2010

World gone mad: 'Should this woman have an abortion? Vote now'

The fate of an unborn child might be decided by a number of anonymous online web users, after a married American couple set up a website inviting people to cast their vote on whether the woman should have an abortion.

Alisha Arnold and her husband Peter, who live in the American city of Minneapolis, are unsure if they can combine parenthood with full-time careers and have decided to let the public make the decision for them. Now Alisha is 17 weeks pregnant the decisive moment is slowly approaching: the last votes will be counted on December 7, two days before she reaches the 20-week cut-off for a legal abortion in the State of Minnesota.

They upload scans and pictures of the foetus regularly and doctors have told them it is a healthy boy. On her website, Alisha asked herself: “we vote on everything from president to American Idol, so why not to continue or abort a pregnancy?”

Visit to cast your vote